Auditory Hazards of Social Media and its Digital Devices among University Students in Dhaka City
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Published: 28 November 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Excessive use of social media has impaired auditory hazards of the users.
Objective: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted to identify the auditory hazards of social media users among students of public and private Universities in Dhaka city.
Materials and Methods: A pretested, semi-structured standard questionnaire and randomized sampling technique was used to collect the data, the number of calculated sample size was 726.
Results: Mean age of the public and private university students was 21.55±1.93 and 21.14±1.62 years. About 40.50% and 46.30% students of public and private University had auditory disorders. Study showed that 18.70%, 15.20%, 3.90%, 11.30%, 9.60% and 3.90% students of public University had pain in the external ear, middle ear, tinnitus, and temporary hearing loss after removal of headphone, auditory hallucination, and auditory processing disorders respectively whereas among private university students it was 26.40%, 16.00%, 6.30%, 13.20%, 10.70% and 5.80%. Among the respondents headphone positively influenced the problem of ear of the respondents of both public (r= 0.204) and private (r= 0.271) Universities.
Conclusion: Social media has a lot of auditory hazards among the students of both public and private University in Dhaka city.
Keywords: Social Media, Headphone, and Auditory Hazards.

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How to Cite
Md Ruhul Amin, Khaleda Islam. (2019-11-28). "Auditory Hazards of Social Media and its Digital Devices among University Students in Dhaka City." *Volume 2*, 2, 36-43